Hello, It's Me =)

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Ratna is an authorized agent and a certified Premium Beautiful expert.A former banker and now an Entrepreneur. A mother to a beautiful baby daughter and a wife to a lovely husband.Currently she is managing her family's company.A degree holder in Business Marketing (BA (Hons) Marketing).

Saturday, 17 September 2011


Dear EVERYBODY......

If you have tried so many ways

but still

you don't get the results that you have always wanted?

geram kan?

 You feel restless and hopeless 
and you feel like you have no control over your body anymore
and your dream to get the dream body vanished?

Aren't you just tired of people complaining about your body over and over again?
and you feel so depress and you turn to food instead...because it is comforting to munch the food that you love and you feel more comfort and loved...

do you??

Don't you want to be Healthier, Slimmer and More Confident about yourself? Don't you just Love your body and you want to make sure that you give only the best for your body??
You have tried almost everything but have you tried wearing Premium Beautiful Corset??

Do you know that by wearing Premium Beautiful Corset in just 1 hour how many calories you'll burn??

Amazingly by wearing that corset alone it can burn up to 900 CALORIES..in just 1 HOUR!


if you think this is just talks and you have doubts about it, look at the numbers of testimonials....people have succeeded in losing weight without having to swallow on pills or go under the knife or spend thousands and thousands of ringgit at the slimming centre.

It is 100% SAFE to use!

Besides burning the fats, this Premium Beautiful Corset helps to improve blood circulation and also helps to reshape parts of your body that needs to be reshaped and also detoxify your body from harmful toxin and many many more...
Thanks to FIR (Far Infrared Rays) and the technology they used to build this miracle Premium Beautiful Corset from 3 different countries!

(to know more about FIR, you can browse through my blog to get the info, and if you still want to know more you can call me here at 019-3522372 or email me at ratnapremiumbeautiful@gmail.com)


Even though you have tried so many slimming pills, drinks and went to countless Slimming Centre, there's still left one way and that is the FINAL way..the FINAL way to a new slimmer YOU....
Don't give up to FATS..don't give up!! You know what you can do and what to do...

Premium Beautiful Corset is just a ring away...book me for an appointment..free consultation and fitting just for you...

your body is your most valuable asset..take good care of it and you will see what your body will do to you...

It is still never too late ...if you still have a second thought about it, remember, time waits for no man and so does everything...

Best Regards, Ratna 019-3522372 ...TQ =)

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