Hello, It's Me =)

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Ratna is an authorized agent and a certified Premium Beautiful expert.A former banker and now an Entrepreneur. A mother to a beautiful baby daughter and a wife to a lovely husband.Currently she is managing her family's company.A degree holder in Business Marketing (BA (Hons) Marketing).

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

need a booster ??

hello darlings ,

i know a booster that can really help you to lose weight even faster and not only that, it can give you so many health benefits too...best kan ^_^

ok..boosters yang i maksudkan :

1. Premium Beautiful corset - wear it everyday.Not only this corset can improve your health (eliminate migraine,period pain,masalah keputihan (white discharge),reduce back pain,buang angin dalam badan etc)it can also maintain your body weight after you have loss all the excess baggage and burn it too !

2. Lactolite- 2 packets a day keeps the pound away.Our beloved mentor, Kak Ana lost 30kg in such a short time (less than 6 months).Not only it helps to increase body metabolism but at the same time encourages pertumbuhan bakteria baik di dalam usus.
3. Garam Buluh Premium Drink - not only it detoxify the toxins in your body, it also helps to reduce weight and also as an anti aging.It can help to stabilize and balance your body pH level.

and with these booster, diikuti pula dengan :
1.Healthy eating - eat more fruits and vegs, reduce the intake of sugar!
2. Exercise regularly - 2 or 3 times a week is more than enough...a short brisk walk with your kids will do...its enjoying and fun...like me,sometimes i take my little rawdha to the park...seronok tau bila dapat bermain2 dkt park dengan anak kita...^_^ ..dapat bermain2,berkejar2an,and layan karenah drg di playground is priceless....tgk sahajalah di tv,some parents cant even get up due to obesiti...selagi kita masih belum sampai di tahap itu..mari lah kita sama2 prevent it... YES! WE CAN DO IT! ^_^

Let us all lead a healthy life...come on!! lets do it!! ^_^

and with the help of these booster


call me ^_^
bbm pin 21E4D153

tooddlesss~~!! ;)

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